Grief's Surprising Byproduct
This is how grief’s bizarre byproduct was joy. Believe me, there was no joy in letting go of Margo.

Is It Shavasana Yet?
April, 2018 The Joy of Mindful Repose Every yoga class I take ends with Shavasana, which is also known as the Corpse Pose. When I was new...

Going Un-Gilly
The above paragraphs might make it sound like this forgiveness business is easy: it isn’t. But grudges are big fat killjoys . . .

In her poem “Kindness,” Naomi Shihab Nye wrote: “Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other . .

Be the Raise
My sincere hope is that you have at least a handful of people in your life who raise you up. It doesn’t even have to be people you know.

Making Peace with Entropy
Entropy, a noun that is used to describe a concept in physics, also occurs in life beyond science and it is rather daunting. The philosophy

How Agitators Help
Are you inclined to curse that agitator? This would be understandable but perhaps there’s a blessing in the curse.