Rolling Stones Wisdom
A FOG is a Frigging (or insert a more expletive version of that word) Opportunity for Growth. What wants to be grown?
The Joy of Some Old Woman
I invite you to find, recall and share the joyful words that the older women in your life have passed down to you. Hope you strike gold.
Supportive Scaffold
January, 2021 Navigating Through Sorrow If I could get a virtual show of hands, I’d ask who here in this blogosphere knows Mary Oliver’s...
Where's the Grief Beef
Why not a national or global Day of Empathy for all those who are grieving? Many suffer silently or turn to other distractions because . . .
Do You Need a Contact High?
If you have an Aunt Florence in your life, you’re bound to receive a nice big dose of joy. A true contact high.
Fall Into Letting Go
Perhaps we, too, have to go through the pain of letting go in order to feel lighter, or less encumbered. Perhaps this is what we need to . .
When a Loved One Disappoints
A clash in needs. Perhaps most disappointments boil down to this: our needs or priorities differ.
Does a "Proper Goodbye" Exist?
The work of grieving isn’t just to mourn the loss, but to find some kind of blessing, or some kind of agreement with reality . . .
I Walked My Talk!
If you don’t walk your talk, your words may be at odds with your actions, and that can be a killjoy.
Grief's Surprising Byproduct
This is how grief’s bizarre byproduct was joy. Believe me, there was no joy in letting go of Margo.
Mix It Up
What if we need to use our brains more? What if doing an activity differently enlivens us?
My Mom's Wise Words
If you could make one wish to be transported to a place that fills you with joy, where would that wish take you?