Fall for the Cracks
During this month when gratitude is much more on our radar, I have an invitation for you: fall for the cracks.

A Lesson from Dr. Goat
Caregivers need care. We need each other. What better time to be reminded of this?

Jingle All the Way?
What if there’s a jingle that could lift your spirits rather than annoy the heck outta you?

Be Like Mike
The split-second choices that Good Samaritans make can have a profound impact on another person’s life. This brings joy . . .

Dwell on the Awe-Ful
Perhaps our challenge, right now, is to figure out how to dwell on the awe-ful even though so much that is occurring is awful and wretched.

When Teflon is Needed
Expect flak as a natural consequence of growth. Why? Because most people don’t really like change.

Do You Need a Contact High?
If you have an Aunt Florence in your life, you’re bound to receive a nice big dose of joy. A true contact high.

Should Isn’t Always a Dirty Word
Outcomes aren’t always rotten but allowing shoulds to run our lives can be a recipe for misery, resentment, and a lot less joy.

Gifts In Kind(ness)
This is a campaign to give loved ones a gift in kind(ness) of your presence.

There's Joy in Truth Telling
Sometimes, the only way to keep a job is to stay quiet; I’ll leave that discernment up to you. But I may keep asking, “At what price?”

To Be Understood
Good listeners ask clarifying questions rather than assuming they understand everything the person has said. They show genuine interest.

A Voice Appears
And then it happened . . .
A soulful male voice started singing the familiar lyrics to “House of the Rising Sun.”