The Best Gift
December, 2022 And It Doesn't Cost Anything The best gift you can give is kindness. In addition to offering it up to others, why not be...
Detachment doesn’t equal disinterest or indifference. Living and learning into this distinction is a lifelong course.
Rolling Stones Wisdom
A FOG is a Frigging (or insert a more expletive version of that word) Opportunity for Growth. What wants to be grown?
Supportive Scaffold
January, 2021 Navigating Through Sorrow If I could get a virtual show of hands, I’d ask who here in this blogosphere knows Mary Oliver’s...
Where's the Grief Beef
Why not a national or global Day of Empathy for all those who are grieving? Many suffer silently or turn to other distractions because . . .
Empty Out!
Worse sleep = everything seems harder. Better sleep = greater potential for feeling joy.
How do you empty out for a better sleep?
Fall Into Letting Go
Perhaps we, too, have to go through the pain of letting go in order to feel lighter, or less encumbered. Perhaps this is what we need to . .