Four Letters That Promote a Long Word
The acronym is JOMO and it stands for the Joy Of Missing Out. Yes, the joy.

Not All Stains Come Out in the Wash
When I hear “it’ll all work out,” I have to stifle a grief-laden angry shout: “yeah, but what if it doesn’t?”

Is It Shavasana Yet?
April, 2018 The Joy of Mindful Repose Every yoga class I take ends with Shavasana, which is also known as the Corpse Pose. When I was new...

The Merits of Exposure
Without some exposure, aren’t we at greater risk of leading drab, antiseptic or joyless lives?

Crossing the Bridge
"One foot after the other." It sounds so simple but we all know it’s not. Grief, in isolation, is a hard bridge to cross.

Doing It Daily
It started out as a personal directive but now it is my universal invitation: Invest in bringing joy back to your life.

Going Un-Gilly
The above paragraphs might make it sound like this forgiveness business is easy: it isn’t. But grudges are big fat killjoys . . .

In her poem “Kindness,” Naomi Shihab Nye wrote: “Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other . .

Don’t we get attached to our playbooks too? We think this is how a day should turn out, or how a planned vacation should go, etc.

If we could only keep it in the forefront of our minds that we share the same atoms, how different would our interactions with others be?

The Big Ask
Ask for help when you need it. Give help when you can. Isn’t this a recipe for more joy?

The Magic of Convergence
Don’t give up when you are thwarted. Expose yourself to the creative work of someone else, and it just might inspire you.